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Connie L. Steiner
It was a such a beautiful day, a day you would have normally been outside. I hope your enjoying the weather up there. love you
connie L. Steiner
What a sight beautiful it is to see how even after two years, you are not forgotten. We love and miss you. Happy mothers day
Mary Fahrenfeld
Happy Mothers day my dear. Its hard not having you here. I miss you and your smile. Its not the same without you. I love you!
Connie Lynn Steiner
We are coming up on mothers day, you should be here with us to celebrate. We miss you...
Connie Lynn Steiner
I sent you my beloved Luna. Look after her, she is a territic dog and I will miss her dearly.
Connie Steiner
I loaded a few pics of you today.. The memories those pics have will make my day brighter.. Love you laurie
Deb Baker, Angel Tammy's Mom
My heart is with you and your family, hopefully you have met my daughter Tammy. Huge hugs to you both, so horribly MISSED!!
Mary Fahrenfeld
Year after year, holiday after holiday, I miss having you here to enjoy them with me. Your are forever missed.
Mary Fahrenfeld
I visited your grave today, its hard to beleave it has been two years since you left us. I will never understand why you had to go
Connie Lynn Steiner
Today is Easter 2010, You should be here with us, laughing and enjoying life. You are very missed by us all. Love you Lor...
Misty Fahrenfeld
For my sister, taken from us way too soon, I miss you everyday. You live in my heart for always. I love you.
connie Lynn Steiner
To my beloved sister, your life was cute way to short, I miss you dearly and your always in my heart
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