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connie otto steiner
Your birthday has come and gone and in a few short weeks halloween will be here. this year has flown by and i feel lost. so much has changed and it seems our family is falling apart. its no longer all for one. one for all. we needs your wisdom. heart. and guidence. miss you so much. love you
connie steiner
The year is almost over and a day dont go by that i dont miss you. your birthday is in 2 days. we miss you so much and still dont understand why you were taken. love you
connie L. Otto Steiner
Christmas time is here, and your not, I miss you very much. Look over mom, she needs you. Love you
connie steiner
Happy Birthday little sister. We truely miss you. Life has never been the same since you left us. Love you. Enjoy your day.
connie steiner
Its September now and the weather is slowly changing, Kids are back at school and we still miss you. Life's not the same. love
Connie L. Otto Steiner
I was sitting in my chair and I know it was you that brushed my foot.. I know your here with me but please dont touch me! lol
Connie lynn Otto Steiner
The sun is shining today and it looks like the start of a beautiful day. Thank you for sending us this day. Miss you so much.
Connie Lynn Otto Steiner
Its a beautiful day today, you would love it. I miss you so much, I miss our talks and your laughter. I love you.
Connie Lynn Otto Steiner
Its cold and snowing here. I wish you were here to enjoy this weather and talk to me. I miss you so much. Love you
connie lynn otto Steiner
Feb. has come and Its 4 in the morning. I wish you were here, Id be calling and talking instead of leaving you notes.. WHY
Connie Otto Steiner
I miss you so much. Life is so different without you. I feel like our family is falling apart. Help us with this.
Connie Lynn Otto Steiner
Its a beautiful day in January, Sun shining with snow on ground. I miss you so much. The birds are even singing. Love you
Mary Fahrenfeld
Laurie the holidays are never the same for me. I miss you more with each day and I hope you are righting a wrong for someone. Mom
connie Otto Steiner
Well laurie, another holdiday has come and gone without you.. Nothing is ever gonna be the same. We miss you and love you...
Connie L Steiner
The holidays are coming and its just not the same without you here. So much has changed, your now a grandma. Love ya
Connie L. Otto Steiner
Its been a while but you are always on my mind. Life has been crazy but you know that. We miss you more and more. I love you .
Connie Steiner
Happy 4th of July. I hope you look down and see all the beautiful fireworks.. We miss you laurie. Love ya
Connie Steiner
July is almost here and I my thoughts turn to the 4th. You loved watching the fireworks. I miss you very much.
Connie Steiner
As the days go by, I miss you more and more. I find myself coming here to watch your pictures..To see your smile, I feel comfort.
Tim Putt
Its a beautiful Day Laurie, many of us are enjoying it with you. RIP
Janice Steiner
I remember you so well when you were just a young lady.You always had a smile on your face and such a pretty lady at that. RIP
Connie Steiner
Iv updated your web page today.. I miss you so much. I hope you are enjoying your time with the angels. You are one! love you
Connie Steiner
Went up to your grave site the other day and we put up a beautiful wind chim for you to listen tol Enjoy we love and miss you.
Mary Fahrenfeld
And the wind will sing songs to you. I love you and miss you. Love MOM
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