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Connie Livergood Another year without you October 3, 2020
Its Oct. 3, 2020, 12 years since you left us and it still has not gotten any easier, We still miss you! Today I remember that its October, not only your birthday but its soon going to be Holloween, You would have already bought your pumpkins so you and the kids could carve them out, you probably already had them out on your porch with candles in them.  You loved all holidays, Your enthusium was contagious, You were the light of the party. Keep looking after our family and keep them lights on in heaven. Love you dearly. 
connie steiner Connie Otto December 28, 2017
Another year has come and almost gone, its hard to beleive that you have been gone for 10 years. We all miss you and the family has not been the same. Please keep looking over mom, as the years come and go, i know its harder and harder for her. Keep looking over your kids and grandkids, as well as Misty and Kenny. Theres not a day that goes by that your not on my mind and i think back often to memories we shared. I would give anything to talk to you again, to see your smile and hear your laugh. Merry christmas and have a happy new year. Give everyone up there hugs and kisses from all of us down here..
Connie Otto Missing my baby sister January 1, 2015
Another year has come and gone, another year without you here. Every year it gets harder and harder and that feeling of missing you growns stronger. Christmas has come and gone, your only grandson is now five years old. You have missed so much. Its not fair that you were taken to soon. Your life was not over, there was so much more for you to see, touch and live.. I miss you so much, i miss our talks, i miss my best friend.. Happy new year in heaven. please look after all of us down here and keep us safe. Love you and miss you every day.
connie steiner 2013 is here January 15, 2013
well one more year has started without you. So much has changed, so many things you have missed and should have been here for. Cameron is getting so big and amanda is doing a good job with him. Mom still seems lost, I guess thats all of us. I know your watching over us and keeping us safe, that does bring some comfort to us. Me and mom visited your grave the other day, there was alot of snow there so we couldnt walk out to you but we were there. We miss you as much today and we did the day we lost you, maybe more.
Connie L. Otto-Steiner A New Year January 1, 2012
Well its now 2012, You have been gone for three years now, Today is the day we lost you forever. We miss you very much and its seems as time goes on we miss you more then ever. I miss Your voice, soft and sensible, I miss your sweet eyes, and your beautiful smile. You were so important to so many, and we still dont understand how god could take you away. I guess he needed more angels. So much has changed since you left us, and all I can think is Laurie should be here and not a day goes by that your not on my mind. I hope you hear me when I talk to you, I wish you could answer me and give me guidence. You were so good at that. Please look after mom, misty and Kenny, now more then ever we need you and your guidence. Please put your beautiful angel wings around mom and protect her. I love and miss you.
connie steiner
September has come and school has started. I remember how you looked forward to seeing the kids off to school. How you made sure they had everythiing they needed and would watch them from the door as they walked to the bus. And then how you would wait for them to come home so you could talk to them about there day and look at all the letters the school would send. How things have changed since you left us, Life is alot more complicated and I dont have you to talk to anymore. It seems I dont have anyone I can trust to talk to anymore. The holidays are on there way, and normally I would be looking forward to them but since you left us, it is alot harder to keep that chin up and smile. Oh I remember how you loved this time of year, Hell what am I saying you loved all the times of each year. I hope you like the stone I put on your grave. Its not much but I was thinking of you when I bought it, it fit you. I miss you more now then ever and so wish I could see and talk to you. To see that smile, or wipe that tear... I would give anything. You should be here with us. I love you and miss you.
Connie Lynn Otto Steiner
Good Morning Sunshine,
Its a beautiful day here and im sure you had something to do with this! I remember how you loved the sunshine and like hearing your windchimes. So much is changing in all our lives and im sure you are guiding all of us from up there. We all miss you and think of you everyday. 
Connie lynn Otto Steiner

Well here I sit, January is almost at its end. Another year has begun without you. Your a grandmother to a beautiful little boy and you would be so proud of Amanda. She has really picked up your mother instincts. She does a great job. I know your guiding her from up there and that your looking down on that beautiful little boy and just smiling, you loved babies so much. I would have loved to see you holding him, to see that smile on your face. Instead I come here to see your pretty smile and to remember you. Its just not fare that you were taken from us so soon. I miss my little sister and our talks, you made life better for everyone. Well time for me to close and try to start my day. Kiss everyone for me and look after mom. She needs you more now then every.

I love you and miss you so very much.

Connie L. Ottoe Steiner
Well laurie, Im sitting here with an amazing guy, im sure you sent him to me. You were always thinking of everyone else. But if you had taken five minutes to think of yourself and gone to the hospitol You would be here celebrating this New Years with us.. I remember how you loved bringing in the new year, you would laugh and giggle and smile, Making sure everyone had a glass of something to toast the new year. You always put everyone first and its not fare that your not here with us this year... You are so badly missed by everyone... Take care of all our relatives and baby tacoma. Give them all kisses for us down here and Please look after mom... We love you Laurie...
Mary Fahrenfeld
Laurie is my daughter and she was taken away to soon, there are many memeories I have of her. She died on Her aunt Sues birthday and My mother died on Lauries birthday. Laurie had many hurtles to over come as a child, and she did this with a smile and lots of laughter. SHe loved life, her family, animals and her heart was the size to Texas. I will never understand why she was taken away so soon, Parents are not suppost to bury there children. I remember you always being there trying to help anyone who needed help, always willing to help. My favorite memories of you are the ones of you always trying to fix things, vacumm cleaners, computers, it didnt matter, she really had the ability to be a repair women and you had fun doing it. Your patience was never ending...And your love for all ran very deep.
Connie Lynn Steiner
I remember growing up, How laurie loved all holidays. She would always come out of her bedroom, sleep still in her eyes, but beaming with excitement for what the holiday would bring her, She would laugh, giggle and be the life of the day... I truely miss my little sister....
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